Kundalini Yoga Nabhi Kriya for Digestion KY kriyas (From KY med. manual for inter. stud.)

A) Lie on the stomach and make both hands into fists. Place the fists under the navel point at the hernia areas just inside the hip bones. (A) Lift the legs as high as possible with knees straight. Place the chin on the ground and begin breathing long, deep, and slow. Continue for 3 minutes.

B) Sit on the heels. Place the fingertips of both hands on the navel point and press in. (B1 ) Lean forward, place the head on the ground, and begin breath of fire. (B2) Continue breath of fire for 3 minutes. Inhale and exhale completely applying mul bandha. Relax.

C) Remain in the same position and begin long, deep breathing. Inhale through the nostrils long and slow and then exhale with a snake breath: out through the teeth with the tongue pressed on them to make a hiss noise. While exhaling, press the navel in with the fingertips and apply mul bandha. Continue 3 to 5 minutes and then begin long, deep, slow breathing through the nose for 3 minutes.

D) Sit on the heels and lock the hands over the head for Sat Kriya. Use the hand lock with the index finger straight up, other fingers interlaced, and thumbs crossed. (D 1 & D2) Begin to chant SAT NAM emphatically in a constant rhythm of about eight times per ten seconds. Chant the sound SAT from the navel point and solar plexus and pull the umbilicus all the way in toward the spine. On NAM, relax the belly. Continue Sat Kriya for 3 minutes. Then inhale, exhale, and apply mulabandha.



If digestion is slow and imbalanced, disease rejoices. Most colds and influenza come from an energy imbalance that begins in the digestive track. To stimulate good digestion and improve concentration, the navel point must be stimulated and the energy distributed through the two main nadis that pass on either side of the navel point. All the facets of the kriya do this. Exercise ''C" can be slowly extended to 31 minutes of long, deep, and slow breathing. Exercise "D'' can be extended to five minutes.

Yogi Bhajan June 14' 1971