Kundalini Yoga for inner vitality and stamina KY kriyas

1. Balance on your toes and fingertips with the knees straight but not locked. Rapidly move your hips from side to side like an animal swishing its tail. 3 Minutes

2. Sitting in easy pose, lean back to sixty degrees. Fold your arms across your chest and lock your elbows with your hands at diaphragm level. Keep your neck straight with your chin pulled in and roll your shoulders in a forward circle. 3 Minutes.
3. Lie down in baby pose. Bring both hands to the small of your back and interlock your fingers. Raise your arms up into yoga mudra. 3 Minutes.

4) Cross your legs in lotus pose and lean back on your elbows. 3 Minutes.

5. Stretch your legs out in front of you and grab your toes. Bring your head to your knees and come back up. Do this movement rapidly 11 times only. Breathe normally, do not do breath of fire.
6. Sit in easy pose, with your hands in prayer pose in the center of your chest. Focus your eyes at the tip of your nose. Keep your chin in, chest out and neck straight. Pump your navel point and imagine 30 trillion points of light in and around you. 3 Minutes
  7. To finish: inhale deeply, hold your breath and tighten every muscle of your body. Hold the breath for 10 seconds and then let it go out of the mouth explosively like cannon fire. Repeat this 2 more times.
This set takes only fifteen minutes and it can make you a miracle kid: You can become a successful, Aquarian person.