Returned I have

We are one, in the infinite sun,
found water in this desert land,

Sand, sand, sand.

The edge of the horizon is shimmering,
heat accumulates with every moment passing,
the infinite sun rising higher and higher.
Oasis or mirage, oh god, truth or folly...
El Dorado is beyond all imagination,
beyond conception and explication,
beyond the wishes and hopes of the common man,
beyond the desires of the powerful.
ah...well... the desert calls.
Returned I have to this mysterious land,
Culture so different,
Chaos of rules, beauty, insanity, fantasy.

Eric in Japan, May 10'2006

Poems by Eric Poems that appeal to me

pinklotus advaita freedom Yoga by Douwe Pranayama by Douwe meditations kundalini yoga deeksha poems drawings