There is only now, and satisfaction

Don`t say stop,
for stop is a thought.
Don`t say do,
for do is a thought.
Don`t say Don`t,
for Don`t is a thought.

Release that which comes with no force,
Open that which has no limits.

Move not on order but on instinct,
There are no rules in this world to bind us,
Release yourself from doctrine, oh worldly men!
Don`t try to get! Don`t try to receive!
Don`t listen to those who say don`t!

There is no form to uphold,
No path to walk,
No ideal to reach.
There is only the path, BE THE PATH!
By opening a window, breathing in fresh air,
dancing to music, sounds moving body,
Acting with no thought of gain,
Acting with no weight.
Rejoice in every moment,
there is no five seconds later,
there is no five seconds before.
There is only now, and satisfaction.


Eric in Taiwan, written 2 mei 2006

Poems by Eric Poems that appeal to me

pinklotus advaita freedom Yoga by Douwe Pranayama by Douwe meditations kundalini yoga deeksha poems drawings